Ingredients you can pronounce for results that'll leave you speechless.
Know exactly what you are putting on your skin when you use our Hand & Body Creams. With natural emollients like Shea butter precisely blended with avocado, apricot, and coconut oils, our products pack in all the good stuff and leave out all the bad.
Take Solace in Knowing
Every tin of Solace Body moisturizer is hand-blended by me (Amy) in small batches using only the highest quality ingredients: natural moisturizers that penetrate your skin and absorb completely to hydrate at a deeper level. And, of course, my products are never tested on animals. Because of our high-quality natural ingredients, these creams are an ideal conditioner for tattoos to keep them looking their best!
Seasonal Featured Products
In addition to my standard scents, I like to experiment with new varieties that seem right for the season. If they're popular, they'll make it into my regular line up.
About Solace Body
I'm Amy. I started formulating body care products to use in my massage practice. As a massage therapist, I spend a lot of time in contact with clients' skin. I wanted products that were clean and natural, but would help keep skin supple (my clients and mine!) and protect against the assault of winter conditions here in the Pacific Northwest. Soon enough, my clients started asking if they could buy my products to take home with them. And that's why I started Solace Body.